Cádiz·red: A meeting with entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation provided by the entrepreneur ecosystem of the province of Cádiz

ManSciTech participated in the entrepreneurship conference Cádiz•red, organized by the University of Cádiz, with the aim of promoting the entrepreneurship ecosystem, networking, and visibilize innovation.

Cádiz·Red is a platform that serves as a meeting and collaboration point between entities and public and private institutions, boosting and supporting entrepreneurship spirit.

The event, held on April 19th in the Jerez Campus (University of Cádiz) is the first to be celebrated, to advertise creative and entrepreneurship talent and potential. It was funded by the Diputación de Cádiz, through the DipuActiva plan, and coordinated by the 3E Generate Direction of Entrepreneurship, Companies, and Graduates of the University of Cádiz, through the Entrepreneurs Chair (UCA Emprende).

For further information, click on the link: #EventoCadizRed

