"The Digital Fingerprint of Foods" arises as an initiative of digital transition in the agri-food sector with the aim of ascribing a digital fingerprint to every agri-food product, to verify them, and guarantee their quality and traceability, from their origin to the consumer.

But how do we create those digital fingerprints?
We combine Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This approach stands out for its precision, reliability, reproducibility, and economy. Thanks to the use of AI, the information is digitalized (Digital Prints Database), thus allowing the information flux throughout the whole agri-food network. This way, we achieve a profound transformation of the value chain, by turning it into a digital, bidirectional, integrated, intelligent, and sustainable agri-food network, which brings consumers and producers closer, in line with the Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.